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Guru Peyarchi Palan for Viruchika Rasi (Scorpio Sign):

The Guru transits into the Simha Rasi (Leo sign) from the Kataka Rasi (Cancer sign) on 05.07.2015 at 11.03 pm as per the old and traditional "Vakkiya Panchangam" and enters into the Simha Rasi (Leo sign) from the Kataka Rasi (Cancer sign) on 14.07.2015 at 06.18 am (Location: Chennai) as per the new and corrected "Thiru Kanitha Panchangam".  The Guru would travel through the Simha Rasi (Leo sign) for nearly one year.

The Guru owns the 2nd house and 5th house for the Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives. The 2nd house is not considered as a malefic house to the Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives and the 5th house is considered as highly beneficial house. Hence the Guru becomes the most beneficial planet for the Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives.

The Guru moves to the Simha Rasi (Leo sign), which is the 10th house to the  Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives and stays in the Zodiac sign for the next 1 year. The 10th house is neither a beneficial house nor a malefic house. Thus the Guru will stay in a neutral house for the next 1 year. Thus, we can assume that the Guru is comfortably placed in the 10th house @ Simha Rasi - Leo sign. Thus the beneficial Guru to remain in a comfortable place for the next 1 year brings comfortable results into the life of the Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives

Note to Readers: I strongly differ from other's views that the native would lose their job, when the Guru enters the 10th house. As per my view, the Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives need not worry about the placement of Guru in the 10th house.

The 2nd house indicates the financial position and family relationships and the 5th house indicates the native's IQ level, children and their fortune levels. Thus the Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy good results on their financial issues and also on family matters, if the Guru get stronger strength in the Ashtakavargha calculated as per the native's natal horoscope. Let us see the probable results for the Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives for the next 1 year, when the Guru enters into the Simha Rasi (Leo sign).

Guru Peyarchi Results according to the Binnashtakavargha for the Vrischika Rasi: 

1. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy comfortable financial position and remain financially stronger, if the Guru gets good strength in the Ashtakavargha.


The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would remain comfortable with their financial position but faces weak or fluctuating financial strength, if the Guru gets poor or weak strength in the Ashtakavargha.

2. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy good relationship with their children (or) would enjoy the desired results on issues that directly or indirectly involves their children.

3. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives who pursue studies especially at the college level (or) anyone opting to upgrade their skill & knowledge would remain comfortable and get the desired results in their studies & exams. This would happen, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.


The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would who pursue studies especially at the college level (or) anyone opting to upgrade their skill & knowledge would remain comfortable but may not get the expected results in their exams or studies. This would happen, if the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha.

4. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would remain comfortable and enjoy stronger ties with their family members, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.


The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would remain comfortable but experience weaker or fluctuating relationship with the family members. This would happen, if the Guru gets weaket or mixed strength in the Ashtakavargha.

5. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would be able to achieve their desires and expectations quickly @ they would enjoy good fortunes. This would happen, if the Guru gets stronger strength in the Ashtakavargha.


The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would face delays or hurdles with their desires and expectations @ they would remain less fortunate. This would happen, if the Guru gets weaker strength in the Ashtakavargha.

6. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would possess good concentration and understanding capabilities. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would also enjoy good oral communications. This would happen, if the Guru gets stronger strength in the Ashtakavargha.

7. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would eat more and speak more, if the Guru gets stronger strength in the Ashtakavargha.

PERIOD 1: From 14.07.2015 to 30.07.2015; and from 30.08.2015 to 30.09.2015; and from 05.11.2015 to 15.03.2016; and from 03.07.2016 to 11.08.2016.

1. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy good financial strength and remain comfortable.

2. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy good family relationship and remain comfortable too.

3. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy good ties with their children and remain comfortable with them too.

4. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy good results in their studies or in any type of exams.

5. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would use their skill and knowledge in an optimum manner to enjoy best results in their career.

6. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives will excel in their verbal communications; and would be able to improve their concentration skills.

7. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy excellent fortunes @ they would get the desired results too quickly.

PERIOD 2: From 30.07.2015 to 30.08.2015; and from 30.09.2015 to 05.11.2015; and from 15.03.2016 to 03.07.2016: 

1. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would experience weak financial position.

2. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would maintain weak ties with their family members.

3. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would speak less or fail to impress with their verbal communications.

4. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would have less concentration powers.

5. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would maintain less understanding with their children.

6. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would may remain disappointed with their expectations due to delays or hurdles.

7. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would be disappointed with their educational performances or skill upgradation or any type of competetive exams.


1. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives who enjoys good Ashtakavargha strength for the Guru in their natal horoscope would enjoy more gains (than that are mentioned under Period 1).

2. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives who possess weak or poor Ashtakavargha strength for the Guru in their natal chart would enjoy less benefits (than that are mentioned under Period 1).

3. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives who possess weak or poor Ashtakavargha strength for the Guru in their natal chart would experience more problems (than that are mentioned under Part 2).

4. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives who enjoys good Ashtakavargha strength for the Guru in their natal horoscope faces less troubles or discomforts (than that are mentioned under Period 2).

2016 Retrograde Guru and its effects for Vrischika Rasi:

1. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would experience unexpected situation on their financial position.

2. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would experience unexpected situation that could affect their family relationships.

3. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would remain uncomfortable on issues that concerns their children.

4. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would experience delays or unexpected results on their major expectations @ the fortunes could face swings.

5. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would experience unexpected situation with their educational matters or on their exams

6. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would be affected by their regressive speeches; and fail to concentrate properly too.

2015 - 2016 Guru Peyarchi Results for Vrischika Rasi (General):

1. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would be able to resolve their financial problems.

2. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would be able to resolve all their personal & family issues.

3. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would enjoy good physical health and enjoy good lifestyle.

4. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would be able to buy movable & immovable assets.

5. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would be able to overcome their health issues.

6. The Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) natives would be able to resolve the litigations (if any)

How to read the Guru Peyarchi (Guru transit) results? 

1. You must understand that everyone's Mahadasa will have more impact in their life @ if a person goes through an excellent Mahadasa period, his/her life would remain very comfortable, despite the unfavorable results mentioned under the Guru and/or Shani transits. The results derived from the Mahadasa period will have 50% impact on your life either in the positive or in the negative direction.

2. The next important factor is everyone's Antardasa period; it will have an impact on the natives life next only to the Mahadasa results @ the Mahadasa period will have 50% impact in our life and the Antardasa period will have an 30% impact on our life.

3. The Pratyantaradasa results are also important, if the Pratynataradasa period will last for more than 2 months. In that case, we must also take into account of the results derived from Pratyantaradasa period.

4. Then you must also take it into account of the results under the transits of all 7 planets (Sun, Moon , Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Shani). Here the Shani transits a single zodiac sign for 2 1/2 years, Guru (1 year), Sun, Mercury and Venus (1 month), Mars (1 1/2 months) and Moon (2 1/4 days). Hence the transit results of Shani and Guru will have an more impact in our life, because of their longer durations. But the transit results of Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon are also very vital in calculating the nature of lifestyle that we can expect for the future. Thus the transit results of all the 7 planets will also have an 20% impact on our life on collective basis.

5. Due to the longer duration of Shani transits for 2 1/2 years, it will have an impact of 10% in our life either in the positive direction or in the negative directions.

6. Similar manner, the transit results of Guru will also bring 5% impact in our life either in the positive or in the negative directions.

7. The remaining 5 planets @ Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus will have an impact of 5% impact on our life on collective basis.

8. You must understand that the Guru transit results or Shani transit results or all other planet's transit results must be read based both on your Moon sign and also on your Sun sign.

* The Moon Sign is the Zodiac sign that houses the Moon during your birth in your natal chart. 
* The Sun Sign is the Zodiac sign that houses the Sun during your birth in your natal chart. 

For example: If your Moon sign is Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign) and your Sun sign is Kataka Rasi (Cancer sign), then you must look at the transit results both under the Vrischika Rasi and also under the Kataka Rasi. You would defienetly experience the impact of the results that are mentioned both under the Vrischika Rasi and the Kataka Rasi.

Guru Pariharam:

For details on Pariharam for Guru, please visit Guru Pariharam (Remedial Measures). There are number of simple methods are advised. You can choose anyone or combination of any methods (that are available). But the period of Pariharam must be longer than 9 weeks and must be done in a consitent manner to enjoy better results. 

Guru Ashtakavarga strength: How to calculate Guru Ashtakavarga strength?

For 2014 - 2017 Shani Peyarchi (Saturn transit) results, please visit my blog 2014 - 2017 Shani Transit Results for Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign)

For results on all other Planets transit results for the Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign), please visit my blog Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio sign)

If you are residing abroad and want to analyse your natal horoscope fully to find out the pluses and minuses on your life, please visit my blog Horoscope Readings (Overseas)

If you are residing in India and want to analyse your natal horoscope fully to find out the pluses and minuses on your life, please visit my blog Horoscope Readings (india)



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